
KPC has invested about Sh60 billion in massive infrastructural projects designed to consolidate her position as a market leader in oil & gas commerce in the region. The Company is undertaking the following key capital projects:

Sinendet-Kisumu Pipeline (Line 6):

The now complete new Sinendet-Kisumu pipeline (Line 6) is a 122km 10-inch diameter pipeline parallel to an existing 6-inch diameter pipeline …

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Replacement of the Mombasa – Nairobi Pipeline:

The Company is in the process of replacing the existing Mombasa-Nairobi pipeline that has been in operation for 38 years….

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Construction of Additional Tanks at Nairobi:

Construction of four additional storage tanks at Nairobi Terminal each with a gross capacity of 33,366,000 litres…

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Construction of Additional Loading Arms in Eldoret:

Installation of additional loading facilities is required to cope with the rising demand for petroleum products…

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